Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Book Review: Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas

I adore Lisa Kleypas. She always weaves such interesting stories that are not the norm for historical romance. Most of the time you read about Dukes or Viscounts, but Ms. Kleypas always gives me something different.

In Dreaming of You she introduces us to Sara Fielding, a common country girl who has made a name for herself writing fiction novels that show her readers how the less fortunate have lived, loved and lost. Sara is eccentric to the point that her own parents acknowledge the fact when she decides to go to London to conduct some research into the gambling lifestyle. She is spurred on by a local boy who lost it all.

So Sara packs up her things, says goodbye to her would-be fiancee and heads to the wicked city of London to stay with some friends of her parents. This is were things get very interesting. While Sara is out visiting gaming hells she comes upon a scuffle in the street and pulls a pistol to protect the person who's being savagely attacked by two knife wielding individuals. I won't give much more away other then that by this one action, Sara changes her entire life.

We also come to know Derek Craven. The self made millionaire owner of one of the most notable gaming clubs in London. He has amassed a fortune and has deep secrets he keeps from those closest to him, which are very few. As Sara follows her research she and … develop tender feelings for one another. Their story is exciting and fun. Watching Sara stand up for herself is perfect. I love a great heroine. And I love a man who values the intricacies of a woman's personality and what makes her special.

What I love about Derek and Sara is their fight to find love. They are clearly made for each other and their differences are their compliments, that is what makes them work. The fact that Derek lets down his guard with Sara is beautiful to read. I love the support they get from their loved ones, the fact that Derek falls completely and maddeningly in love with Sara.

I do say that there are a few things I didn't much care for in the book. I absolutely did not like the protagonist. I could find nothing redeemable about her. She was very two dimensional and I feel that she had a story to tell and we weren't privileged enough to get that story. Also I would have loved to have seen more of Sara's parents. I adored them. One thing that stood out to me was that Sara had no female friend in her small village. I would have thought the girl who was sort of engaged to the town saint would have a few female friends or at least acquaintances. But it was never mentioned so Sara felt almost like she was alone save for her parents.

Despite that I do recommend Dreaming of You I hope you will come to love the characters as much as I did.

Book: Dreaming of You
Author: Lisa Kleypas (website)
Print Type: Soft Cover Book 
Page Count:  373
Romance Type: Historical Romance
How Hot: 3 out of 5 licks

Do you want to buy this book? It's available at Amazon! The Kindle Edition is just $2.99. If you are more of a book person (I know the smell and feel of a book is unlike anything else!) then you will find a price of $3.99.

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