Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Mornings

Monday Mornings have GOT to be the worst. I know, we go through life dreading Monday starting with school when you have those two days for Me Time. I forget what Me Time is because come Friday when I am released for Cube Prison, I have an entire list of things that needs to be done. Laundry, dishes, cleaning, mow the lawn, clean the car, grocery shopping, meal planning, trying to finish that book I've been reading for over a week, trying to find a PLUMBER for goodness sake. The list goes on and in reality I know I may get maybe three things done because I am above all a procrastinator. I spent the weekend pretty much watching reruns of House Hunters and worrying about finding a plumber so I can again experience the luxury of water in my kitchen.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that? Seems I have a copper line under the dishwasher that has split and I had to cut off the main water to the kitchen. I'm now washing dishes in the bathroom sink. Gah.

Anyway, back to Monday. You walk in the door at 7am to work and you are immediately assaulted with the smell of the one place that makes you nauseous. The smell of computer dust, fly traps and desperation. I do not look forward to today's calls I have a feeling it will be one screw up after another.

I miss Friday. Anyway, that's my randomness for the day.

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