Monday, August 9, 2010

Andy Warhol's No Artist

Today I received the three posters I got from Last week I ordered Almond Blossoms from Vincent Van Gogh, Campbell's Soup Cans by Andy Warhol, and the cover of the book Eclipse by Stephenie Meyers.

So I get home today and the posters are already at the door. I was happy, especially for the Van Gogh poster because I am in love with the color. Anyway my sister opened the package and took one look at the Andy Warhol poster and started laughing, she said why in the world would you even buy that! I explained to her that Andy Warhol created it and he is one of the most famous artists of our time and the Campbell Soup cans are very popular, she laughed and laughed.

She said this: She can't believe someone is famous for copying someone else's work, that the real artist is the person who created the art for the soup can, not the person who got famous for copying it. She was astounded by the fact that someone would even pay 11.5 million dollars for copyright infringement. Go figure. My sister, not the artist. lol

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