Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Interview: Part 9

And finally part 9 of The Interview! More to come of course...


She woke up extremely early. Why Stephanie couldn't remain asleep until her alarm went off, she didn't know. All Stephanie could do was lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. Her mind darted from one subject to another. Her daughter, seeing Keith again for the first time in years, her odd reaction to her new boss. She did have to admit to herself she had a reaction to the man. He was hot, no holds barred. A girl likes that kind of thing in a man and she was no exception. It had been years since she experienced anything like that. She would just have to keep a lid on those feelings because nothing was going to jeopardize her job with T&A.

She rolled her eyes at herself as she got out of bed and to head toward the showers. Her first day on the job was going to be great, she assured herself how could it not?


Stephanie limped into the downtown offices of T&A an hour late. How could this have happened she wondered? Of all the days for EVERYTHING to go wrong, her first day had to be worst. Murphy's Law was very much at work and riding Stephanie's back.

First, the hot water wouldn't come on so she had to take a freezing cold shower, then once she got into her little car it decided to take 10 minutes to start. Once it started and she was finally on her way to work, she still had a good 30 minutes to get there and she was only 15 minutes away, disaster struck. A red BMW decided she was going to slow darted around her in hopes of passing her by, saw a transfer truck heading directly toward him, he swerved and side-swiped her, sending her little car into a spin. She tried to regain control of the wheel but it was too late she slammed into the median wall going about 60 miles an hour in a circle.

Her car was then dragged off by a wrecker service and declared totaled, the BMW had two scratches and he was screaming at her like she held a gun to his head and made him try to pass her before TOTALLING HER CAR! Idiot, she thought. She then had to take two buses to get here and she was exhausted already. She was sore in places she didn't think she should be sore in. She refused to go to the hospital saying she was fine, however, she knew she should have gone but she was already late.

On top of all that, during the wreck her coffee spilled on her cute white dress and now she looked ridiculous with her hair out of place, her makeup smudged and a huge brown stain on her left side. She side when she passed a mirror.

Just then Mr. Sutherland came around the corner, stopped dead in his tracks and looked her up and down. "What the hell happened, Ramy?"

She sighed leaned against the wall and said "What didn't happen, Mr. Sutherland? Some moron pushed me into the wall."

"Why are you here, then? Why aren't you at the hospital?"

Her eyes filled with tears as she put pressure on her right leg. "It's my first day..." she trailed off and he took her arm and guided her to the front door. "What are you doing?" She gasped as he walked her toward the parking deck.

"We are going to the hospital. First day or not you need to be seen by a doctor." He gently guided her over to a parked Maserati. Nice car, she thought idly as he unlocked the car and helped her in. He ran around the other side and slide behind the steering wheel.


Next installment is up! Go to Part Ten to read more!

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