Tuesday, April 12, 2011

And another day....another dollar

Seriously I work at a place that completely hates it's own employees. I fully believe this. Take this for example, I have a customer demanding a supervisor, and do I find one for the customer? No, for an hour I am looking for a supervisor and they have disappeared off the face of the earth. But oh well, that is besides the point. The point is I'm expected to the job of three agents and be happy about it. But I'm going to walk away from this argument simply because I am thankful I have a job, even if I believe my job is going to kill me.

So what, you may ask, have I been up to? Absolutely nothing. I went to the beach for my sister's birthday, I will post pictures here in a bit, and I also am planning a circus themed baby shower. I don't think I'm going to be planning anymore family events. I'm pretty much done with it. I love to plan parties and be involved in making people smile but I also need to realize that I will never have one of those families that go on vacations together and talk on the phone. One of those families that you know...LOVE each other?  I have my sister and that's all I care about.

You know they say life takes you down strange paths? Well, it certainly does. You become friends with people you never though you would, you have an idea that just appeals to you. Basically, life is as it always was, no better, no worse. I am satisfied with my life as is it. I would love to quit my job and write full time, but I know that is a pipe dream and I will probably never see my name on a novel, but one can hope right? I mean a dream is there to give you a reason to get up everyday, to find your voice when everyone says you don't have one. So seriously no matter what you are dealing with just take a small moment to sit down for your me time. Write a blog, a story, a poem. Meditate. Sit and listen to yourself cause 9 times out of 10 you know what's best for you, you know what route you should take you are just too scared to listen.

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