Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Stockpile As It Stands

I have only been dong the stockpile and coupon thing for about three weeks. I used to do this years ago and just let it go when I started working as couponing takes serious commitment. I found awesome deals on Ronzoni Pasta boxes and then the Chef Boyardee deal this past two weeks. I have 15 boxes of various Ronzoni Pasta boxes, 15 cans of Chef Boyardee, 3 clothes detergents, 3 boxes of dryer sheets, 2 packs of razors, 4 cans of carpet fresh foam, 2 fly swatters, 20 packs of Kool-aid and tons of different kinds of I'm having a problem figuring out where I'm going to put it all.

 I was going to make an awesome shelving system in the basement but with temps reaching well up over 95 degrees daily I just don't think that's the place to store all my food and cleaning supplies. I have my office I guess I can put shelves up in there but that's a very small room. I do have a downstairs closet in the Foyer that is currently not being used. I will probably be cleaning that out this weekend as I plan on bringing home another 21 cans of Chef Boyardee and even more various other boxes of food we can throw tot he stock pile. Are there any recommendations for shelving units?

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