Saturday, August 27, 2011

Glam Wig Head - Britney Spears Style! Tutorial

Hello! I know I haven't posted for awhile I've had some serious problems getting blogger to actually POST my updates. So here's another attempt at letting you guys know what's going on. This week I'm making a diaper cake and I'll be posting a tutorial for that soon, and coming up I am planning my 4 year old cousins birthday party complete with a huge cardboard box princess castle. So photos for that will be coming soon.

I did want to post a tutorial on my GLAM BRITNEY SPEARS WIG HEAD! You read that right! lol. We were digging around in my overly packed garage and came across this wig head, my sister said trash it, but I said noo...I can make something totally awesome with this. She was beat up, dented, she's seen better days. So this is what I started out with and I can't wait for you to see what I ended with. You can buy these brand new for about $5 at wig/beauty shops.

This is what she was BEFORE I started on her. You can see all the dents and scrapes on her. I've named her Britney. lol. .Why do you ask did I choose to fashion her after Britney Spears? Purely by accident, a few weeks ago I got a great deal on two Britney Spears tickets for my sister, to the Femme Fatale tour, and my sister loves Britney. I bought the tickets at Groupon, so check them out if you are looking for something to do in your area, I get a lot of GREAT deals there.

So I chose a few lines of lyrics out of her Music, matched them up with some awesome font "Vijaya" for I'm Addicted to You, "MV Boli" for My Sexy Attitude, and "Carnivalee Freakshow" for Just like a Circus.You can find these fonts free on most free font pages. I used size 66 and I put them all in Bold. Printed them out in black and began to cut them.

I shaped them them into rounded edges and put the three lines of lyrics to the side.

I pulled out my tissue paper and went through what I had available.I had dark blue, lime green, pink and purple. I chose to use Pink and Purple, nothing says Britney Spears like hot pink! I also dug through my glues and found some Elmer's Glue and a small bottle of Triple Thick, it's a brush on glaze, you can get it at any craft store, I bought mine for $3.99 at Hobby Lobby.

 And I tore the tissue into strips, and began to layer it on Britney's head. I would put a layer of purple and then glue down a line of lyrics, then layer pink tissue on top of the lyrics. (Note: this is why I used black ink to print the lyrics, and you want to use a light colored tissue over the lyrics or you wont be able to see through it.) You see her in this picture in the process of being glued together. Took me about three days in between working and doing other day to day things. She had to dry fully before I could glaze her.

 Here she is on the right fully glazed! She is shinny and in person she is very very mod and cool, She doesn't photograph so terribly well. lol I have tons more photos and if you want to see more just let me know!

She's pretty cool if I do say so myself, she's going to my sister so she put her on her vanity and use her to hold her wigs or headbands, whatever she wants. I'm kind of fond of Britney! What do you think?



Rose and Heather said...

looks great, we need a head like this. We sell headbands and this would be nice to do to one for us. Where did you find it at? I am also a fan of Britney.
We would love to have you come link up to our party, Crafty Lassie Tuesday.
We are having a giveaway! Hope to see you there :)
Heather & Rose

Casey said...

Hi! You can buy the plain white heads at Sally's Beauty or pretty much any beauty supply shop or wig store, I've seen them for as low as $3 or $4. :) Definitely let me see a photo of the one you create! And thank you for the invitation I will be there shortly! :)