Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How to Get Some Printable Coupons Mailed to You

There are a ton of coupons on the internet that you can print at home. You even get a ton of coupons via email just for signing up for some Newsletters. Kellogg's is one of my favorite newsletters because not only do I get printable coupons but I also get Shutterfly coupon codes from them ALL THE TIME! It's amazing! But sometimes I may be running low on ink, or I may not need a coupon right that moment so it's nice to have another option to receive that coupon. You can actually request some coupons be mailed to you. Wait...what? Yes, you read me right, you can request that some coupons be mailed. 

The coupon has to be a Bricks coupon to do this. Kellogg's emailed coupons are always Bricks and you can easily request those be mailed. Here is how you do that!

1. You receive an email (or click a link to see a printable coupon). Here is one that came to from Kellogg's today. Click the coupon exactly as if you are going to print it from your computer.

2. You will see the Coupons.com/Bricks page pop up that lets you know your coupon is waiting for you to print, but instead of clicking the Print button or filling out that submit box, click look at the bottom and click "Help". If you aren't sure whether you can do this, by clicking help this will let you know if this coupon can be requested. 

3. One of 3 pages will pop up. Either you will see a form for you to enter in your mailing address, a Welcome to the Troubleshooting guide page that has a Mail My Coupon tab OR just the Coupon Troubleshooting guide. If all you see is the guide you cannot request that coupon via mail. Like I stated above some let you do it and some do not.

 4a. If you see the Address form just fill that out and select mail my coupon. You will receive your coupon in a few days. Now here is the kicker, you can usually print 2 coupons off right? Well with this method you can request 2 as well! Just go back and click the Help option again, the second time you won't see the Form you will see the tab that says MAIL MY COUPON. Click that and the form will reappear.

 4b. If you don't see the Mail Request From but you do see the Mail My Coupon tab then just click CLICK HERE to see the Mail Request form.

Simple as that! Again if you don't see either of those options then you can't request that coupon by mail, but I have always been able to request the Kellogg's emailed coupons. Good luck and happy saving!

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