Friday, April 13, 2018

April Camper Update: RIP

Major news on my camper update. I'm not happy about it, but it's the right thing to do.

We've had some warmer weather the past few days and I took the time to look over the camper in detail. I haven't really been able to look at it very closely since last summer so I was excited to take a look and get the ball rolling on installing new floors...then I saw it.

The frame is wrecked. What does that mean? It means it would cost me THOUSANDS To fix this before I could even think about replacing the floor. I would have to remove all the tin from around the camper, rebuild the frame, insulate it, rebuild the floors and the ceiling before I could even consider decor and move in.

RIP Sadie. You would have been awesome.


Not in a happy place because I've been super dedicated to this camper remodel. I've scrimped and saved and gotten some of the best freebies to put aside. I had $84 on my Amazon account that I was going to trade in for a Lowe's gift card. I had even had some DIY's I was going to post to show you some of my money saving techniques.

It's okay though, time to put Plan H into action (I've been through a lot!)


I'm going to purchase a shed. A very nice shed with a porch and I'm going to turn it into a tiny house. The plusses to this are that I'll have more room and I won't have to worry about rotten wood making me sick.

As you can see this shed is pretty bad-ass. It's going to cost me around $500 down to have it built to my specifications and delivered unless they have a "repo" that I like for cheaper. It comes wired for electricity already and all I would be doing at that point is plumbing and cosmetic stuff. I had planned a tiny house about four years ago down to how much each screw would cost me and all in all I'm looking at around $2000 to get this delivered and get this in a "liveable" condition. I'm okay with that. I start my new job at Amazon on April 23rd and I'm excited about this new path. The monthly cost for this would be around $300 (there are a few extras I'm wanting to add in there like an additional window at the back.)

The size I'm looking at is going to be 12'x32'. So it's plenty big enough for Lulu and me. I want grey siding and a charcoal colored roof with white trim. I'll put some nice flower boxes by the windows and a cute little rocking chair on the front porch.

The shed includes:

9 Lite Window Door
Porch Railing (Included porch railing is 3 sections that are approx. 4ft each)
4 Porch Posts
5 - 2x3 Windows

And as stated above, I want an additional window in the back and electric run, so that's additional. The total cost of this is around $7k. The deposit includes the first month's rent as well as the delivery and set up fees so not too bad.


So there was a problem with my Amazon account. They froze it on April 1st. They froze it for a good solid 2 weeks. They wouldn't release my funds and once they finally told me what I did it still made no sense. They said I was using my account for "business purposes" and that I had received compensation for my reviews. I
think it's because for Christmas I was purchasing almost all of my Christmas gifts using gift cards I made doing surveys and every once in a while they would ask me to review an item. IT appears that think because the bulk of my purchases were made using gift cards I was being compensated in that manner. I wasn't.

I decided to use my $84 credit for the kids (and a little for myself!). What I did was pretty simple I purchased the kids a play pool and a fire hydrant sprinkler. I also purchased a little pool for myself. IT's not giant, but it's nice and I like it.


I'm still going to use it! I'm actually going to have to do all the home stuff anyway from sheetrock or paneling on the walls, to paint to kitchen cabinets and shelves. I'll still use everything I've gotten and a lot of the choices I Had made for my camper remodel will just be switched over to this tiny house idea.

Questions? Just post them below or you can reach out to me on social media. Yes, I am disappointed, mostly in myself, but I will make this work! I'm hoping I can put the deposit down on my shed in June with an August or September move-in date. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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