Monday, January 3, 2011

Helloooo World!

I know I've been a very bad blogger recently and for that I apologize :(.

BUT! I've been working on some new stories and been trying to get my health in order and so far I HAVE SUCCEEDED. Of course I am still a little weak but I can now walk upright and not look like a sad old woman, (I'm only 30 for God's sake!) And I'm starting to feel more myself, I have massive headaches and when I went in to the Dr a few weeks back I was told my Blood Pressure was 198/170 which SCARED THE EVER LOVING CRAP OUT OF ME. So I pretty much stopped everything and concentrated on staying sane, staying safe and staying in control of my temper and my blood pressure. So far I can feel myself calming down a lot, I'm more in control.

The new story I'm working on is a comedy, I will post a little bit here but not too much as this one I'm thinking of sending in, and I definitely will be posting some more to "Interview". Writing is my love, tech support is just my job.

Anyway I want to thank those of you that kept coming to check in even if I didn't. I know I should have posted something but I was terrified and really didn't want to scare any of you until I had a grip on everything. Just know that I'm back!

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