Thursday, September 22, 2011

Book Page Wreath

I had seen a few tutorials on Pinterest that showed a few steps on how to make a book wreath, I fell in love with the idea, and wanted to make one of my own. I didn't want to put a lot of money into it however.

I bought a foam wreath at the Dollar Tree and picked up a .10 semi-damaged book at the Goodwill. Now I'm not one to damage a book, in fact I love books and feel they should all be kept around for as long as possible. This one however had some pages that were stuck together and some water damage, it was bound for the recycling bin so I gave it my own brand of recycling. I also used some pink streamer as well. I had the streamer already from a party I had thrown so I didn't have to purchase that, and it was a last minute addition.

The first thing I did was pull out all the useable pages from the book. The rest of pages including the cover went into the recycling bin. 

I HATED the green foam wreath and that's when I dug around into my craft bins and found the leftover pink streamer. I wrapped the whole wreath in the streamer...twice. It was so dark it peaked through. 

I then rolled each page, folded it in half and glued it to the wreath. I did this with each page and the end product looked great. The book I had chosen was pretty old and the pages had yellowed with age so it gave the whole book a shabby chic look that I adored. 

Something was still missing though. It was too plain. I needed some bling. I took the pink streamer and rolled it into pink roses. 
Roses are pretty easy to make, you just roll and fold, roll and fold and then in the end pinch the back and hot glue it down. 
I used a few roses, I didn't want to go too far out of the realm of what I was making. 

And this is my end result!

The pages did photograph a bit darker then they are in person because of the yellowing.

Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle


Rachel Sue said...

Your wreath is so cute! I would love to feature it on Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button. Thanks!

Casey said...

WOW! Thank you Rachel Sue! I've never been featured and I'm super excited about it!