Wednesday, January 18, 2017

RT Convention 2017 in Atlanta

So excited to be going to the RT Convention 2017 in Atlanta. There will be over 800 authors and free books and book signings and contests and soooo much more! I can't wait. I couldn't afford to stay at the convention hotel, but I found a sketchy little hotel I could afford so it will allow me to go for the full week hopefully.

Now I have to plan for all the events, there is a rockabilly party, and I think I already have the perfect dress, I just need to get it. lol. There is also zombie party which I probably won't dress up for, as makeup and things like that just irritate my skin. It's a bit pricey to go but for me it's probably a once in a lifetime thing. If you want to pay my way however just email me! lol. I'm just kidding, I've always been one to pay my own way.

Things I plan on doing to prepare:

  • Make some cute little business cards to hand out.
  • Make a nice sized photo to take and have all the authors sign it so I can frame it and hang it.
  • I might buy this Cherry dress I found but it's pricey. 
  • Try to gather as many Uber credits as I can.
  • Lose about 50 pounds (hahahahahahahaaaa)
  • I might have to rent a scooter as my legs are all jacked up.
  • Dig out all my SHUTTERFLY luggage tags
  • Find comfy shoes.
  • Buy mace....

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