Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Smutty Little Secrets by Vivienne Hunt

First of all, let me say Smutty Little Secrets by Vivienne Hunt is an in your face erotic novel. It makes no apologies for what it is and the story is fast, hot and loud. When I picked it up at the When the Heart Dreams reader and author mixer last weekend I knew it would be a quick read, but I hadn't read anything from this author before. I always look for new and exciting work, so I happy to dive into this story.

Nikki is a character that a lot of women will jive with, she's in a verbally abusive relationship and definitely needs to find happiness. From the first word on the first page you are given a no holds barred look into what Nikki needs...and wants. She finds what she's looking for in the arms of her brother-in-law, Jason, and his wife, Cassandra. (Yes, I KNOW! Cassandra is my name, too. lol)

I love work that is quick paced and flows. I read the book in one sitting and I must say I did enjoy the sexy romp. I would have liked a bit more development of Jason and Cassandra, I want to know what makes them tick. I'm a people watcher so I know that about myself. Nikki falls for Cassandra and Jason pretty fast and pretty hard, taking the relationship to the highest peak from 0 to 60 pretty quickly.

But it's more than that. It's more than a love story and hot sex between two females and a male. It's about a woman finding her voice between the sheets. It's about self-discovery and self-worth. This story is all female power from beginning to end. Nikki finds that Cassandra is the woman she longs to be like. Wild, free and intoxicating. She molds herself into that person that under Cassandra's tutelage. I fully believe if the story had been a bit longer we would see Nikki fully bloom as a force to be reckoned with, and we get a glimpse of that in the epilogue. I would love to see a part two.

The book had me on the edge through each page, as I said it was a quick read so it's perfect for a sick day or a "Me Day".

Book: Smutty Little Secrets
Author: Vivienne Hunt (website)
Print Type: Soft Cover Book (signed! She's a lovely person to meet)
Page Count: 119
Romance Type: Taboo, F/F/M, BDSM, Menage
How Hot: 4 out of 5 licks

Do you want to buy this book? It's available on Amazon! If you have Amazon Unlimited it's a free read or you can buy it for just $1.99. If you are more of a book person (I know the smell and feel of a book are unlike anything else!) then you will find a price of $7.99.

I wasn't compensated for this book review. I did have the privilege to the meet the author and she is a joy to talk to. I do recommend the story but please keep in mind it's extremely erotic nature.

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