Friday, October 20, 2017

Where has Casey been?

I know I haven't posted much in the past few weeks. Everything kind of happened at once and I lost touch with everything.

1. THE TWINS WERE BORN!!! They are beautiful. Meet Hayden and Holden (Girl and Boy twins) They were born on 09/13.

To be just over a month old they definitely already have their personalities. Hayden is very chill. She can sleep the day away. She has these huge eyes and this full cheeks. I call her my baby Yoda. Holden though is very focused on his food. He gets this look on his face when he doesn't like something. He's very much in control.

2. I got sick. The day the twins came home I ran a temperature of 104. It didn't get any better. I was first diagnosed with bronchitis but within the next few days of that, I was having more and more problems breathing. Second diagnosis was pneumonia. I'm still NOT 100%. I am struggling daily to keep up. I'm still having issues breathing so I think I need to take another trip to the DR.

3. I somehow screwed my hand up. I don't know if I messed up a tendon or if I cracked something but the pain is relentless and It hurts from the tips of my ring and middle finger all the way down my arm into my elbow. Sleeping is non-existent.

So as you can see I have a pretty full cracked plate. I'm hoping that everything will right itself soon. :) I just wanted to drop an explanation as to why I've been MIA.

I have some fun posts planned for the next few weeks so be on the lookout for those!!

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