Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How to get FREE Product Coupons and Cents off Coupons Mailed to You Part 10 LAST DAY!!

You have heard speak ad nauseum about couponing and the amount of savings each deal gives me. The reason this is important is so you either A: have more money to do what you love or B: make ends meet. I know how hard it is to go through life always worried about finances and where you are going to find the money to do buy basic necessities.

One of the first thing I learned when doing research into couponing (many, many moons ago...I wasn't long out of college) was that getting coupons was the key. You can get them from newspapers, magazines...samples come with coupons. Once printing coupon was made popular websites of all walks of life offered free printable coupons and now we are in the digital coupon era which does offer us some wonderful savings.

But I'm old school. I prefer the paper coupons. One of the best ways I have found to get some very nice high-value coupons is by emailing the companies directly and just ask.

Email the companies you buy things for, if something is wrong with a product do not hesitate to reach out to them. Was your taco shells crushed? Was your powder laundry detergent clumpy? Do you absolutely LOVE the flavor of your juice? Reach out for all manners of things. You are the customer, what you have to say is valued.

I'm going to try email companies over the next 10 days just to see what kind of coupons or responses I get. I will document this daily so keep a watch out!

So starting on 1/13 I decided to email some of my favorite companies and let them know how much I enjoy their products. I do this a few times a year with different companies. I will link you directly to their Contact Us form and if I see any printable coupons I will link those as well. :)

Who did I email on 1/23?  

1. Kandoo (You can print a coupon here Received an email that stated they will be sending me a consumer kit which will have samples and coupons. Received a package that included several samples as well as a coupon book featuring high-value coupons!
2. Hidden Valley (You can sign up for the Ranchology Rewards program hereReceived an email that stated they do not have coupons.
3. Domino Sugar (You can print coupons here)
4. Mueller's Pasta Received an email that stated they do not have coupons.
5. Almay Received an email that stated they do not have coupons.
6. Clean & Clear (You can print a coupon hereReceived an email that stated they do not have coupons.
7. Bird's Eye Received an email that stated they do not have coupons.
8. Alexia Received an email that stated they do not have coupons.
9. Pictsweet
10. Libby's

This is day 10 so this is my LAST post regarding new emails!! I've emailed 122 companies and I've gotten some great responses so far! I'm hoping as the weeks go on I see a lot more.

 I hope you all have enjoyed this campaign and I hope it inspires you to start your OWN!

 If you have missed the previous 9 posts you can find them below! 

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