About Me

I am never good at about me articles, but I guess some of you would like to know who I am and why I do what I do.

Well, my name is Casey, I'm thirtysomething. I'm single, I live in North Carolina. I love a good project, taking something old and making it awesome again. I have a small group of friends that I see occasionally but mostly I tend to stick close to home. I'm a HUGE book fanatic. I used to own hundreds of books, but sold them all for $100 bucks. Honestly, I had books I'd been carting around for 14 years. It was nice to get rid of them, but kind of sad too. Now I have two boxes of favorites and a Kindle.

I love going to the movies and watching television. I love my family even if they do drive me batty. I'm learning to cook, but I can bake ANYTHING.

I make diaper cakes and I write bad erotica, I am self published under the name Cassie Dee. I collect coke points, pin-up posters and freebies. I LOVE going to the Goodwill and pulling old furniture out of the trash. I can't drive, but I love to travel.

I love all things girly; pink, polka dots, retro-style furniture.

I believe in romance but find men uncooperative. lol. (Ask my ex bf, he will tell you I'm nutty!)

Well, that's it for now, hope this was sufficient? Oh, and you can contact me at mailto:dewdropimpressions1@yahoo.com

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