Monday, July 13, 2015

Book Review of Dead Girl Walking by Sharon Sant

I received Dead Girl Walking by Sharon Sant from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. I loved the premise, the storyline did capture me from the very beginning. Cassie is the only survivor after her entire family died during a car accident, not only did she survive but she was declared dead and had been "dead" for several hours before she "came back". I liked her, I understood her struggle and I can definitely see why she was fighting herself before she could move on. Enter Dante, he has his own issues with reoccurring nightmares involving his own death. I didn't like him honestly. As a character we really didn't get to see who he was beyond the flat character he was, maybe that is what the author originally wanted. The focus of this story is on Cassie and her acceptance of life. There are so many questions that I didn't feel were answered by the end of the story, sure the bad guy was caught but we didn't get any closures as to who, what, where and why he was doing what he did. I would love to know if Dante is psychic or if it was just the one time, I would like to know what happened with Cassie and WHY she was able to come back and do the things she was able to do. I HATED that she lost her only remaining family, it felt like overkill...excuse the pun.

However, I do feel that the book handled grief in a new and different way. It's not always oh they died, time to move on, sometimes it hurts to breath and that was definitely portrayed in the book. Although Cassie was hard to like at some times in the story, I understood her for what she was. An extremely depressed girl bent on self punishment. I gave it three stars for this reason. I'd be interested and reading a followup to see if all my questions were answered.

You can purchase Dead Girl Walking here from Amazon.

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