Friday, June 16, 2017

Autographs: How to Request Autographs Through Email + My Favorites!

One of my favorite means of collecting autographs is through email. Don't be fooled though it's not send an email and reap the benefits, sometimes I don't hear anything back and sometimes I get rude
responses but the autographs I've gotten through email are typically not ones you can get through TTM. So I've been able to expand my collection to some hard to reach people by just being myself in a well written email. :)

Q: How do you find emails?
A: So many places. The possibilities are endless when it comes to searching for emails to send to. Facebook can provide you with some. Go to a celebrities Facebook page and click on ABOUT, sometimes contact information can be found there. There are also which does list email addresses as well as TTM address (TTM = Through the Mail). You can look at the CONTACT US section on webpages. Sometimes it will list an address or a CONTACT US form. If you don't see an e mail address but it lists their PR or Managers name, google it. Google is your friend. You can pretty much google any celebrity and the name of their manager so search LITTLE BIG TOWN MANAGER or LITTLE BIG TOWN PR EMAIL. Just play with the words you'll be surprised.

Q: What do I write?
A: This would be the exact same as if you were writing a letter to your favorite celebrity you are just
addressing it to whomever's email address you have. So if you have a manager's email address write the exact same thing you would write in a letter. You want to be polite, thank them for their time. I always wish them a great day, weekend or holiday :)

Q: Does it really work?
A: Yes, it really works. I've gotten some awesome responses and I've always been thrilled with the autographs I've received. Yes, every once in a while I get the dreaded preprint or autopen but I get more real signatures then not.

 Q: Are you sure they are real?
A: Yes, 8 times out of 10 they are real. What happens is you'll see that a celebrity will sit down and sign a massive amount of autographs for their managers or public relations teams. So when one is requested they just pull it out and mail it. That's why you probably wont get an inscription OR you'll get an inscription that doesn't match the autograph. That happens when the secretary or PR person writes your name on the photo themselves.

Q: What if they say no?
A: No biggie. You aren't out any stamps. You haven't mailed anything. And if they say they can't help you then ask if they have an address you can mail a photo to on your end. Sometimes they will give you a fan mail address that you otherwise wouldn't have found. These are regular people just like you and me, the only difference is they have a cooler job. lol. Just be natural. Don't be too aggressive and be polite.


1. I always say Good Morning or Good Evening...a well written email will get you far. If you are just writing one or two little sentences you are missing an opportunity.
2. If you get a rude response don't panic. Just make a note not to use that particular email again in the future. These people work in a high stress job. Think of it like Customer Service (I've worked in CS for many years). You don't know what their day has been like. You don't know what's going on in their lives. You just may be the catalyst that sets it off, or that persons punching bag. I've gotten a few rude responses. I've written back and apologized and thanked them for taking the time to read my letter. I've even gotten a few apologies. Just don't take it personally. It's not YOU.
3. If you receive one, it's always nice to write that person back and thank them. If it's a conversation I've struck up with the sender then I always, always thank them. They took the time to get the photo out, mail it, and keep in contact with you when they are extremely busy.


Have you tried emailing? If so what is your favorite Email response?

If you are interested in my other Autograph posts please check out the links below!

Autographs: How to Request a Playbill + My Playbills
Autographs: How to Find Celebrity Addresses
How to Request Autographs Through the Mail

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