Friday, February 9, 2018

Camper Update!

If you've been following my blog or know me personally you know I bought a camper to redo about a year ago. I am going to live in it but ran into some issues. I got a job...lost a job, found out the camper had massive water damage and the floor was rotted through in multiple places. It's been a roller coaster.

Well, here is the current update and plan.

I'm still going to fix it. Hopefully within the next 2 months. I'm going to pretty much gut it, every room except the bathroom. I'm going to reconfigure it and move the kitchen to the middle so I can open up the front end and make it bigger. I know it's hard to imagine. So here are photos!!

Here is the front of the camper. What I didn't know when I bought it was that every wall is water damaged severely. The floor I knew was weak but it's got to be completely replaced and that stove had a sticker on it that said WARNING: DEATH. Super scary that. So that's going to the dump. I'm going to gut all of that out. Every bit of it top to bottom, put in a solid floor and a shelf above the window. I'll put a real bed in there.

A twin. I'm single, having a bigger bed would be amazing, but it's pricey so I'll just keep what I'm using for now and hopefully get a nicer mattress. The shelves I build are going to be done using black plumbing pipe. lol. I know it's weird. So here is a photo ---->

That whole shelving unit is made of nothing but iron plumbing pipe, flanges, and some elbows. Cheap if I buy most if, through eBay, the wood will come from Lowes, I'm going to carry that over into the kitchen area.

And speaking of the kitchen area, I'm moving it to the right side where that bunk is. I don't need that bunk. I'm one person. If I move the entire kitchen to that area that opens up the entire front half of my living area. I will put a base cabinet that will house most of my electric and plumbing boxes and I'm using the same shelving system above here as well. The fridge will go on the floor beside the cabinet. Thankfully, I can re-use the sink and faucet from the existing kitchen.

The walls in there do not seem to be too bad so I may be able to just paint those white and maybe put some nice wallpaper up. Hopefully. If I can afford it. I have a small budget for this as I'm getting taxes so I'm going to pour every dime of it into this.

On the left side, I want to pull that bunk out and put in a small desk for me to work, to do my blogging, my writing and maybe a work at home job. I need new lights throughout it, I have no clue what kind of lights to get. Maybe some cheap ones from Walmart? If you have ideas post them below! The bathroom is fine, I will update it cosmetically and I do want to put a real toilet in there. A nice low flow...and update the shower head.

I won't have a stove. I'm throwing that death trap out, but I already have a microwave oven that lets me bake and do all of that in it so I will need a nice burner type thing to put on the countertop when I need to cook that way. And I bought a crockpot with some gift cards I got for Christmas.

Without having a job everything seems impossible to fit in a tiny budget but I am a good deal finder. :) Over the past few months, I have been able to grab small things here and there. Cabinet handles, one recessed light, a wireless doorbell, a very nice deep pan. All of that was free using gift cards I got from doing surveys. Right now I'm saving some survey money to try to figure out linoleum for the floor. I had bought some last spring, but now that I have to gut it, I don't have enough so I have to start over with that. I'm trying, yall!! I will figure all this out.

I have a wishlist/shopping list on Amazon. If you want to help me out you can definitely take a look, everything is appreciated. I have stuff on there that would be nice to have but I also have Lowe's gift cards, flooring and other items of that nature. If you have any ideas on other ways to save money (I've tried Craigslist here, but everything is expensive it's not like Charlotte!) post below and let me know. :)

Amazon Wishlist Here. (If it asks you for my email address use

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