Tuesday, April 17, 2018

An Update in Randomness and an Apology

I have been sick for a solid week. I am so tired all the time and sleeping is difficult. It snowed yesterday and last night, not sure what we are in for today but the road looks like a skating rink.

I don't have a whole lot that's changed, I just wanted to apologize for being so slack on the blog posts during my email campaign. I was so sick I just slept a lot and took some meds.

I have decided on a placement for my camper however which has me excited and I've already started to calculate out the things I'll need. Like I'll need 38 sheets of sheetrock. That's a lot of rock! I also chose to splurge on 3 items that I don't really need, but I really want.

1. A Fancy Chandelier
2. A luxury shower
3. A Glossy white Laminate Flooring

These will add easily $600 to budget for things I could go cheaper on. But I'm going to make this my forever home so I deserve to splurge a little bit on a few things.

Once this snow melts and I can get to my potting soil I'm going to start some seeds. I don't have many but I do have some awesome Organic Lettuce seeds, Spaghetti Squash and 2 little packets of flower seeds. I want to buld some window boxes for flowers so I'm super excited about starting those for the window boxes. Starting seeds is easy and so many things can grow with just some love and care. I'll do a whole post on starting seets later in the week.

The pools I purchased with my Amazon money arrived! We can't blow them up or anything but they are ready when the weather is!

That's about all the randomness I have today, I'll keep everyone posted and I may do a Current Freebie post today because a lot of good things have come out since yesterday!

Have a great day everyone! Email Campaign post will go live at 10am EST today! 

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