Saturday, March 30, 2019

Cheap (or FREE) CBD Products: Eaze Wellness

About a week ago I signed up for an account with Eaze Wellness, a CBD company that offers various CBD products from bath bombs to Vapes to Lubricants. I have tried drops before and they just had a horrible taste so I was interested in trying a vape.

Last year I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and PTSD along with severe depression and anxiety. I also suffer from a bone disease (Legg-Calve Perthes), Hypertension, back pain as my hips are offset and I retain fluid in my brain. So let's just say my body has decided, if it can have it, I'm going to have it. I've dealt with most of this all of my life and some things are just new to deal with. The medications the doctors put me on are varied. When I went into a mental health facility last summer I was put on 9 different medications and that was just for high blood pressure and the Bipolar disorder. I don't have insurance and these medicines alone would cost a fortune (one was $1200). Not only that but I slept a lot. With that many medications I had no choice. So...I stopped taking everything. Again. I couldn't afford it, I couldn't get refills on the ones that did work and low and behold a week ago I wound up in the emergency room with a blood pressure of 247/133. I'm not joking, it was that high. That is stroke territory.

I've heard so many awesome things about CBD. It's basically marijuana without the hallucinogens. That interests me as I know from experience (yes I inhaled) that the very few times I've tried weed it was amazing for my pain management. So being able to get that effect legally? Sign me up.

 This discreet, all-in-one
vaporizer contains a pure,
non-psychoactive CBD oil blended
with lavender for a soothing experience.
225mg of CBD, 0.5g total.
So back to Eaze Wellness. I signed up for the account. I was given $20 off a $25 purchase and I was excited over that. The only problem was the $5. I don't work at the moment so I had to think if that $5 would be worth the risk of it not working and I sat on my hands. I was given a link to share to friends so they can get the $20 too and not only that but I also get $20 when they place an order! I had one lone friend who placed an order and thankfully I then had $40 to spend. I decided which vape I wanted (the Lavender for Calm) and I threw in a bath balm because...why not? My total was $37.71 but after credit it was FREE for me. And yesterday I got the notice that it had shipped out.

I can't wait until this arrives. I plan on using it for a solid week and then reviewing it. So stay tuned for that. If this is something that also interests you please use my link to create an order, either at the $5 payment or just share with your friends to get more credits and order for free. :)

Let me know what you buy! Have you tried CBD for an extended amount of time? What was your experience?

Sign up for Eaze Wellness HERE.

UPDATE on 4/7: I received my order and I must say...I love the Relax CBD vapor. It really does help. I love the fact that the little vape does not take batteries at all. It is disposable. It was inspected and has a sticker with the findings, it says I have 150 uses in it. I have not tried the bath bomb yet, but maybe soon. I will keep you guys updated with this as I continue to use it.

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