Monday, June 14, 2010

The Interview: Part Two

Here is more of Stephanie's Interview. Enjoy!


The perky receptionist raised one eyebrow. Stephanie knew the girl wasn't fooled by fake smiles but she couldn't come up with anything better when all she wanted to do was reach over and retch into the potted plant beside the desk.

“Please, have a seat, I’ll call your name when he is ready for you.” Stephanie nodded and made her way over to the small seating area that already had several other people sitting around holding their portfolios and wiping sweat from their brows. This was no mom and pop company, this job interview could be the big break all of them had been hoping for since they had decided to become designers. Most of the other applicants were probably sporting fancy design school degrees. Stephanie, on the other hand, had never even graduated high school. She had to drop out to help her mother raise her two brothers after their dad died in a boating accident. It was a choice Stephanie had made and would not have changed but she sometimes she could tell that people looked at her differently just for not having that piece of paper stating she read through War & Peace struggled to climb a rope in gym glass and attended pep rallies. In her opinion life experience should be what counts.

She started designing clothes as a hobby while she watched the boys and in between shifts at her fast-food restaurant job. Pretty soon some of the other workers would pay for a few of the designs she made, she realized quickly that the sexier the outfit the more people were willing to pay. And when a co-worker offered her $300 to design and create a honeymoon package that included 5 sets of underwear, a sexy dress, and a bathing suit, she quickly discovered that her talents lay in the lingerie department. The girl LOVED her work and still calls her often for a quickie underwear design.

Stephanie’s head snapped up suddenly. Did the receptionist say “he”? She was under the impression she would be meeting a team of people who designed and not just one person. The door the interview room opened suddenly and a small man stormed out yelling in his wake “You have not seen the last of Enrique Gerard Treme!” The man had a very thick accent, and when the door was suddenly pushed shut, Enrique looked at all of them sitting in the waiting area and said: “You will not get this job, NO one will get this job, they are crazy for the things that they want!” And with that parting shot, he stomped out the door.


Don't miss the other installments!

Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten

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