Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Tea Party DIY Bunting

Remember yesterday I told you I was making a bunting for my Tea Party Birthday? Well I finished it! I didn't think I'd be done with this for a bit, I had originally wanted to incorporate some doilies into the look but decided against it once I started making my fabric flowers for the white flags. This is how an old ugly child's dress turned into my fabulous bunting.

I live right beside a "Goodwill by the pound". What that is is a Goodwill that has all their clothes in these huge bins and you dig around until you find something you want and you put it into your own portable bin. They only charge about $1.39 a pound. So I guess I paid about .25 for this dress. lol. It was very thick with a embroidered bib neckline and a white linen underskirt. The pattern of the fabric is kind of English roses with a lot of details. I saw it and said hmmmm well I like the pattern. Dress is ugly I'll think of something! So when I got home. I dismantled it.

So, I'm showing you the lines on the white fabric (the underskirt) because it shows up better. I used a red pencil. I cut out about 12 of them. The underskirt was big. lol.

Once  I had a significant amount of triangles from both the fabrics of the dress I had quite a pile.

I then took some of the patterned fabric scraps and begin making my fabric bows. You find a tutorial here. I made enough fabric flowers to glue on each of my white flags.

Have you ever been to Value Village? It's a second hand store much like Goodwill however the clothes are a little more expensive. HOWEVER, I found this large bag of fabric scrapes for $4.50. I mainly bought it for the large Zebra print fabric piece I saw in the bottom of the bag but I wasn't too sure what else was in there. I was very happy and surprised! There was a large piece of lace in there as well as three large pieces of fabric that I will be using as my tablecloths. So I took my flags and glued them each at the top to my large white piece of lace.

I'll try to grab a better photo later, but I did want to show you guys what it looks like! It's quite long and it will be hanging behind my Tea Table setup. How pretty did that turn out? I know the photo isn't that great but in person it is quite lovely.

And here is a little photo from the actual party, I wanted to show you the bunting hanging up on the wall behind the table. :)

Craft-o-Maniac Linky Party

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