Friday, April 20, 2018

The Interview - A New Beginning

A few years ago I had started a serial story on my blog called The Interview. I wrote 10 little posts about 4 paragraphs each with a story that had been playing out in my mind. The story of Stephanie, a grieving determined woman who was trying to fulfill a dream while healing from life's wounds and a man who had his own secrets. I never got far in the story, just the initial meeting really. The past few weeks this story has been playing out again in my mind. I had stopped writing. Why? I had gotten some pretty negative feedback about my style and it broke me. You see when I write, it's part of me. The story is mine, the people are me, the words are It hurt very badly that my ideas were rejected in such a harsh way. 

But Stephanie is demanding a do-over. She's saying her story MUST continue and I have to listen to her and complete her story. So, the first steps were to read through and correct what had already been written. I'm going to re-release the 10 "episodes" into 2 solid chapters and every week on a Friday I'm going to release a new chapter. Once the story has played out I want to package it together and put it out for Kindle through Amazon. Later today I will release the first two chapters. I hope you enjoy them and if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a message or reach out. 

Thank you and please enjoy The Interview.

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