Monday, April 8, 2019

Book Review: Accidental Sire by Molly Harper

If you know anything about me you know I love a good Paranormal Romance. Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Wizards and so on. I read pretty much anything you give me but I definitely have my favorites and Molly Harper has been on my radar for a few years. I discovered her through her Jane Jameson trilogy and I've stuck with her as much as I could.

I was so excited to get enough digital credits from Amazon to be able to buy Accidental Sire. I had read a lot of mixed reviews claiming it was just like all her other novels and I scoffed at that because Molly always gives me something new and interesting in Half-Moon Hollow and she didn't disappoint me with Accidental Sire. I hadn't read premise like this before and it was extremely interesting. Girl Meets Boy. Girl Likes Boy. Girl Gets Killed in an Extreme Frisbee Game. Girl Becomes a Vampire. Girl Bites Boy. You can see, it's definitely not he usual vampire fare. Also Meagan and Ben are NOT normal vampires.

I loved the heroine. Meagan was sarcastic and snarky just like I like and she didn't back down. I love a strong female lead. The boy on the other hand got on my nerves a bit. He just seemed whiny as hell in the beginning but I can live with that as long as my strong female lead takes control, which she did in a spectacular way. About midway through the book Ben has a change of heart and starts acting like a man so I'm happy with that.

There is some underlying mystery which also kept me intrigued, not everyone is as they seem so once the pieces of the puzzle start coming together it creates a very interesting picture.

I did enjoy where the book took me. It was pretty interesting the situation that Meagan finds herself in. I will say that the end was a little underwhelming for me, I guess I was expecting more retaliation. lol. But it's a great book and if you like a light vampire romance this then is for you. No brooding (except of the teenage) kind found anywhere.

I paid for this book with my own money. (Well, with digital rewards from Amazon) so this book is in no way sponsored. I pride myself on being honest with my reviews whether the book was given to me or not and in this case...I just wanted to share another Molly Harper novel!

You can also join me on GoodReads! I love sharing my book posts and entering the giveaways there. Let's read together!

Book: Accidental Sire (Half Moon Hollow Book 15)
Author: Molly Harper 
Print Type: eBook 
Page Count: 291
Book Type: Romance, New Adult Romance, Paranormal

Do you want to buy this book? It's available on Amazon!  It has a price of $5.99 for the Kindle version. I read all of my books with the Kindle App.

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