Thursday, February 28, 2019

Coupon Campaign 2019!

Hello everyone! I'm backkkkk! Well, I decided to start emailing some companies again as this is a new year and hopefully we get some awesome stuff. So here is what I have done the past few days!

1. Mio - We bought this new Mio, the Vitamin one...and it is so nasty. I emailed them to let them know how bitter it was and they sent us a coupon for $4 off any Mio purchase. So we did receive that already, and it took about a week. Mio is a Kraft company. Never be afraid to give your honest opinion on a product.

These emails were sent on 02/26/19:

2. King's Hawaiian - I sent them an email and received an email back saying "Thank you for your Feedback!) Received the email back on 02/27
3. Buitoni - I sent them an email saying how my family liked their products and they sent email saying they would send some coupons! Received response on 02/27.
4. Hermès - I read in their facts stating if you want to sample their fragrances send them an email and ask along with your mailing address.
5. Dolce & Gabbana - I sent them an email asking for more samples as I loved The Only You sample I recently received. They emailed me back and said my request was forwarded to another department. Received that email on 02/27. On 03/08 I received a second email from them telling me they do not send out samples. (Funny, I just got one from them! lol)
6. Deerpark - Praised their waters, they responded on 02/27 stating that they would send me a coupon. On 03/05 I received 3 coupons from them! One FREE PRODUCT coupon for a free pack up to $5.10 and two $1.50/1 coupons. Super excited!
7. Ortega - Sent an email praising their taco shells and salsa, received an email back on 02/27 telling me to check out the newspapers for coupons.
8. Hot Pocket - Sent an email saying how my family loved Hot Pocket. Received an email back on 02/28 that they were sending me coupons!
9. Chicken of the Sea - Sent an email telling them my favorite tuna recipe and how much my family loved their products, received an email back on 02/27 stating they would be sending me a coupon! I received a FREE PRODUCT coupon for any Chicken of the Sea product up to $3.00.
10. Tatcha - I sent an email saying how much I loved their face masks, they responded and said they do not have coupons or samples to send. Received response on 02/26.
11. Aveda - I messaged them on Facebook and asked if they had any samples of a certain type of product I've been wanting to try, they responded back and asked for my address! Received response on 02/27. On 03/11 I received a BOX from Aveda. It contained 5 deluxe sized sample products in a gift bag with a handwritten note!
12. TruMoo Chocolate Milk - I emailed them how much the kids love their milk, on 02/28 I received an email stating they would send me 3 coupons! On 03/08 I received three .75/1 coupons! 
13. Avon - I complimented their daily face scrub and asked if they had any samples.
14. Buddig - I complimented their products and asked if they had any coupons. I received 2 FREE product coupons up to .99! They did not respond to be via email. 

So as you can see, I am getting responses. I'm trying some out of the box type of companies and trying to get some samples and/or coupons and I'm hoping to get some awesome stuff to show you. You can always follow me on social media to see all the freebies and things I do get. I certainly hope this helps you all. With groceries being so expensive, this is one way to help save on brands you know you use! I have a list of places to try tonight and I will always keep you updated on what I receive as well as any email responses. And just because I strike out with a company doesn't mean you will, it never hurts to ask. And always be honest with what you think of their products.

Casey's Instagram

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