Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Product Review: Tula - Tiny Face Mask

Good evening everyone! I love a good face mask. Well, my sister has a subscription to BoxyCharm and she received Tula Bright All Night Energizing Face Masks in her February box. She had four of them so she was nice enough to give one to me so I can try it out. Face masks really are amazing. With the amount of serum and essential oils you are putting on your skin for 10-20 minutes you will definitely see some results.

My skin is as dry as the Sahara. It peels. I'm not sure if it's the dry air up here in the mountains, but I have never had issues with my skin until we moved up here from Charlotte. I found my love of face masks quite by accident. I received a bunch of them on an Amazon deal (I'm talking like 100 masks). I was excited to try this Tula mask because 1: They retail for $12 each. And 2: They have amazing reviews. They boast Hyaluronic Acid, Fermented Birch Water, Probiotics and Citrus Extract and is supposed to energize my "stressed" skin.

I was disappointed and let me tell you why.

The packaging was amazing. It was in a holographic foil packet that had me excited to put the face mask on.

And the look of the mask lived up to the packing. It was a beautiful mask that had these silver dots embedded. I felt like I was about to wear a flat mirror ball. It smelled very nice. Clean. Not a perfume-y or overdone scent, but very mild. It was very, very juicy.

There was a lot of serum on this mask and I enjoy that, honestly. Dry face masks are hard to keep on my face but when they are super wet they do stay on better for the 15 minutes. I actually like keeping my masks on for 20 minutes for that additional moisture. I could not do that with this mask. I was desperate to get it off.

It fit like it was made for a child. The eyes were very close together, the nose slot was definitely weird and I was either able to see...or able to breath. It just wouldn't fit properly. If I wanted to be able to keep my eyes open then the mask covered my mouth. The mask did NOT taste good. lol. I didn't expect it to be like that. I've had a better time with a $1 mask from Walmart.

I honestly don't think someone who is afraid of closed in spaces would be able to wear this effectively. I'm okay with that but at the 10 minute mark of not being able to open my mouth or breath out of my nose properly I was feeling a mild panic .

I wish I had thought to take a photo. Doing a face mask is typically my "Me Time" and I didn't even consider it. It was just all around, NOT fun. I will probably never do another Tula mask.

My face did feel soft after use, but no different than any other face mask I've every tried. I don't see why this mask would be $12 per mask as opposed to my less expensive $2 masks.

I did email Tula to let them know my experience and after a few days I got an email back that basically said "Oops, sorry." It's kind of frustrating when a company doesn't take your feedback seriously.

I haven't done a product review in a while, but I felt compelled to share my experience here. Have you tried a Tula mask? Did you have the same issue or was mine just flawed? Let me know down below!

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