Friday, May 3, 2019

Book Talk: I HATE This Question So Much!!

I LOVE to read. I love books; the smell of books and being surrounded by them are actually one of my favorite things in the world. Glade needs to step up their game and give a musty book scented candle. lol. Being that I read so much there is one question that I'm asked from time to time and it drives me insane.

What is your favorite book?

What? Excuse me? What is my favorite book? Are you insane?! I can't answer that question. I have so many books that are near and dear to my hear that I can't possibly answer with ONE book. So here are TEN of my favorite books. I had to limit myself or this post would never go live. lol.

1. Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - This is by FAR one of my favorite books. This is one of the first chapter books I ever read. Anne was an amazing character and I loved how her story evolved through the rest of the books. If you have decided not to read Green Gables because the fact that she is a tween then I suggest you do it. It's a great coming of age story that will make you laugh and then sob like a baby.

2. Kiss an Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips - This is a romance novel! I love Phillips' novels. But Kiss an Angel had me falling in love with the heroine. Everyone underestimated Daisy and she still came out on top in the end. Now, this was written many years ago so you have do have Dominate Hero who can get on a modern girl's nerves, but give it a try!

3. First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson Book 1) by Darynda Jones - This book is so fun! The heroine is the GRIM REAPER! I love it! There are 13 books in this series and I recommend each one of them. This is also a romance story but it has some action and a lot of funny scenes as well.

4. The Sherbrooke Bride by Catherine Coulter - One of my favorite books and I've read it at least 50 times. Our Heroine takes the place of her much more popular sister and marries the man of her dreams...and he's set on annulling the marriage. It's a great fun book with a Alpha hero and ton of fun characters that continue on into two other books. My favorite by far though is book one.

5. Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs (Jane Jameson series #1) by Molly Harper - What do you do when you get shot and die and wake up a vampire? Jane decides to make the best of it and hilariousness ensues. I love it. There is 3 books in this particular series but it spawns off into a ton of books and each one is interesting and different. I love Molly's sense of humor!

6. Slouch Witch by Helen Harper - I have no clue if Molly and Helen are kin, but they have very similar senses of humor. Slouch Witch is the first in the Lazy Girl's Guide to Magic and there are 3 books and a little novella. Seriously cool series and I love Ivy's back story and the way she takes up for herself. Ivy is a very talented witch who steers clear of The Order until a case of mistaken identity binds her to them...literally.

7. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett - One of my first go-tos! I read this book once a year usually in the spring time and it always takes me back to my childhood. I love the movie as well. When a privileged girl loses her family and then starts to live with her uncle she discovers a few skeletons in her new closet. It is fun and it does make you think and there is a fabulous garden.

8. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich - Stephanie, lingerie buyer turned bounty hunter (by accident), suddenly has to learn to navigate a new world she never knew existed. And if you know me you know that this book has laugh after laugh. An eccentric grandma, a weird boss and a new hooker best friend is only a few things you will read in this series. This series has lasted for over 25 books so I'm not the only one that fell in love with the characters and eccentricity of the book.

9. Too Much Temptation by Lori Foster - This is NOT her best book. She a ton of others that I love as well but I reread this one and it holds a special place in my heart. It is the very first romance novel I read that had a heroine that was plus sized. Not that they actually say what size she is but it's heavily hinted at. Grace is shy and a chunky and offers her friendship to Noah who is hot and very experienced when he and his girlfriend break up. It's a great story and I love the fact that Grace isn't your typical romance novel heroine.

10. Are you there, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler - The only non-fiction book on this list. This is a collection of stories from Chelsea Handler and I laughed so hard I cried in some of these. These are stories from her life and relationships so you know it's bound to be hilarious.

And there you have it! I can easily shell out at least 30 more books but these are my top ten books that I reread yearly. What are yours? I'm always looking for new books to read and I read all genres. Except those weird reverse harem secret baby long lost love novels. I hate those. lol. 

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